Friday, October 3, 2008

not above her paygrade

No. 3 on life issues:

"As soon as the baby's born, and you see it -- then it's a human."


No. 3 said...

**This quote was not published in context and does not accurately portray the views of No. 3**

Jourdan said...


danay said...

phew... I"m glad you posted that disclaimer!

Emily said...

Thanks, No. 3. If anybody was wondering, I think she was talking about why baby showers are weird and/or why it's weird when your friend is pregnant, but then once the baby is born you make friends with the baby in his/her own right and then it's not weird anymore.

But it was a classic No. 3 statement.

jessi said...

haha, that makes much more sense.

No. 2 said...

hey mle -
Can you explain the title of the post? There is some confusion as to what it means . . .

Emily said...

It's a reference to Obama at the debate thing at Saddleback in August. Rick Warren asked him something about when life begins and he said that answering the question was above his paygrade.